4. get in shape. no, there's no girl (yet) but i do want to get in better shape. as of now, i can barely run a mile without falling to the ground and passing out. this is not good. so hopefully i'll be able to make it to the gym at least a couple times a week and lift some weights and run. i also think i need to change my diet (which the one desire fast may help with, haha). so, i need to cut down on the late night runs to nypd, eating ramen before i go to sleep with my roommates, and just eat less food in general. oh joy
3. stay focused. i've been thinking a lot lately about that philippians passage about pressing on towards the goal and i realized that i get so easily distracted from what God wants me to do in my life. i feel like i've already broken this by spending hours playing bejeweled and ncaa in the first few days of this new year (i told myself that since there's no classes, this is permissable, but it's really not). but... i want to cut down on playing video games A LOT and only play sparingly or in situations where it legitimately promotes good fellowship.
2. build relationships with people. i think i'm the type of person who will just wait for someone to invite me out to a meal or whatever, especially when it comes with older people, but i want to really intentionally build relationships with people in my life. whether that means going out for a meal together, talking on gchat, or even just studying together, i want to make sure that i really make an effort to get to know people genuinely. i especially think it's important that i build relationships with people outside of church, so that i don't trap myself in this little bubble.
1. build my relationship with God. it's funny sad that time and time again God shows me how important it is for me to love Him and know Him more, but time and time again my times with God fail to be consistent and deep as many times i'll just breeze through my brp just to get it done (or not at all). similarly to #3, i want to focus my heart on God and not get distracted by other things, even my own studies. even if it means scheduling times to spend with God i want to do it if it means that i'll spend time with Him every day. i think i specifically have to grow in my prayer life even if it means locking myself in my room while my roommates are playing xbox.
these are not really in any particular order, nor are these all of my resolutions (i wonder if i used "nor" right... probably not), but these are at least some of my resolutions. it's definitely going to be hard, but who ever said it was going to be easy?
"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
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