Tuesday, March 23, 2010


so it's been over a month since i last posted on this blog... i guess my new year's resolution to journal more hasn't been going so well, haha.

anyways, the past few weeks have been somewhat frustrating. it seems as though after spring break everything's been just going non-stop. not only do i have to study for exams, but i've been looking all over the place trying to find a job. it seems like nothing's working out (student orientation leader, academic peer advisor, information referral assistant, gamedayhousing.com, etc.). i committed to stay in ann arbor for the summer to serve the church and i thought that because of this God would just automatically provide a job for me, but it definitely hasn't worked out that way so far. it's definitely been a humbling experience and it's been challenging my trust in God that He's in full control of every situation.

i guess i will post more once this situation unfolds. i'm still in the process of job searching and i even have a job interview later today. no matter what happens, God is still God and i am not.

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